EKS.CNC, designed for production of chair and furniture legs, shovels, hand tools, rifle stocks, hangers, sports equipment, musical instruments, etc. The machine provides you 4 product outputs in one operation. It guarantees the highest quality product output with its superior cutting quality. It offers the advantage of fast feeding with its pneumatic centering apparatus. It is suitable for long-lasting use with rigid body structure.

Operating Units
It has 4 horizontal spindles that provide 4 product outputs at one time. It has a CNC control with independent servo motors. It has 3 interpolated axes.

Centering Unit
The workpiece can be easily fixed to the tailstock with Centering Unit. Piece compression is provided by pneumatic pressure.

Cutting Unit
Deeply turning and clean surface are guaranteed with specially designed cutters.

Dust Discharge Conveyor
In addition to the dust collector system on the top of the machine, there is a dust discharge conveyor under the machine.

It has a complete software that manages every part of the machine. It allows you to use your machine quickly and flexibly thanks to its easy-to-use interface.